Heart of Hatton Garden Lighting Case Study

Jonny's review of the installation was as follows;

I am so pleased with the sol LED lamps that you supplied for our display counters, since fitting them, our sales of jewellery have gone through the roof.

They have proved successful on many counts:

• Reduction in maintenance - the LED lamps offer a dramatically better lifespan than halogen spotlights.

• Energy saving - only 8 watt consumption as opposed to 25 watts giving considerable energy saving.

• Temperature - sol lamps run 90 C cooler than halogen lamps, reducing both ambient temperature and air conditioning costs. They are also much safer.

• Quality - the colour temperature and light quality make all the displays in our centre look terrific. All of our retailers love them.

I believe Lumenal are developing lots of new LED products and please place me at the top of your customer list as I can't wait to see them.

I am so pleased with the sol LED lamps that you supplied for our display counters, since fitting them, our sales of jewellery have gone through the roof
Heart of Hatton Garden Lighting Case Study
Heart of Hatton Garden Lighting Case Study
Heart of Hatton Garden Lighting Case Study
Heart of Hatton Garden Lighting Case Study
Heart of Hatton Garden Lighting Case Study